Classic Warning Signs Of A Bad Job Candidate

Let’s say your most desirable job candidate executed an incredible interview. All responses checked out, and the candidate was cordial and perfectly qualified for the position. How can you spot warning signs of a bad job candidate?

Here’s our five warning signs of a bad SANTA, job candidate.

  1. Lateness indicates a bad sign of things to come. Poor punctuality is a major red flag in hiring, because it translates into the overall reliability of the candidate. If the candidate is late for even an interview, how can you count on him or her for the rest of the time?
  2. The candidate must be genuinely excited for the job. Sure, he or she may express a serious willingness to do the job, but is there any visible enthusiasm during the interview? Placing a job candidate in a role where he or she isn’t thrilled about the work can lead to carelessness.
  3. Take it as one of the major warning signs of a bad job candidate if he or she has issues with references. Does the candidate mention any former bosses in his or her references? Does the candidate refuse or hesitate to provide references? If you have contacted the references, have you received any poor reviews of the candidate?
  4. Check social media platforms for any surprises. If the candidate puts on an impressive façade, there might be something more revealing on social media. Did he or she disparage an employer or coworker online? Is there activity on his or her social media accounts that might make you uncomfortable to hire the candidate? Checking the applicant’s online presence and discovering something that makes you feel uneasy is one of the most telling warning signs of a bad job candidate.
  5. The candidate never mentions a team mentality, only talking about himself. You might think to yourself, that’s a good thing that the candidate is such a self-starter. After all, the interview is about getting to know the candidate. However, if the candidate only brings up former team members to identify them as problematic, the problem may be with the candidate himself. The candidate has to fit into a team environment.

Even if the interview went without a hitch, there are more steps to take to ensure you’re making the right hiring choice. What warning signs of a bad job candidate have you spotted? Let us know!